We work for the dignity and protection of victims of all forms of trafficking and exploitation.
Low-threshold reception service
Without appointment
from 10am to 3pm
from 10am to 12pm
With appointment
at the following number
021 544 27 97
021 544 27 98
Advocacy and communication activities in collaboration with relevant national and international organizations in order to improve victims’ protection standards. Management of a computerized data collection system, drafting of periodic and annual reports.
Accommodation of victims of trafficking in a household of 10 beds, with staff present 24h/24h. If household is complete, victims are referred to partners’ accommodation facilities.
Take in charge
Support for victims from the period of reflection in view of a possible complaint to the implementation of integration solutions. Accompanying victims to the competent medical, social and legal services or to the relevant training, job search and integration solutions, tailored to their needs.
Low-threshold reception service consultations for migrants. Information and awareness activities on human trafficking for the partner network.
RTS 19h30 - De nombreuses femmes migrantes subissent des violences sexistes et sexuelles du départ à l'arrivée de leur voyage
L'Evènement syndical
"Les détections ont augmenté, mais restent la pointe de l'iceberg"